(PM) Problems authenticating with Radius NT

MacNeil, Ted (Tmacneil@hrsb.ns.ca)
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 19:16:43 -0400

Hi all,
I was wondering if anybody could help me with a problem I'm having.
This is more of a Radius NT question than a PortMaster question, so I
hope it is still welcome.

I am trying to test my dialup connection with a normal Win95 workstation
(using Hyperterm for now, so I can watch and diagnose).. Everything
seems to be going okay, except that I don't get authenticated. When I
check my radius log on my NT box, I get the following (my portmaster's
ip address is replaced with X's):

Wed Nov 26 18:50:50 1997: [224] C:\Program Files\Livingston\RADIUS
NT\radsvc.exe: RADIUS version 2.0 97/05/15 flat_users
Wed Nov 26 18:50:50 1997: [224] using udp port 1645 for RADIUS
Wed Nov 26 18:50:50 1997: [224] using udp port 1646 for RADIUS
Wed Nov 26 18:51:22 1997: [224] radrecv: Request from host
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX code=1, id=37, length=62
Wed Nov 26 18:51:22 1997: [224] NAS-IP-Address = XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Wed Nov 26 18:51:22 1997: [224] NAS-Port = 1
Wed Nov 26 18:51:22 1997: [224] NAS-Port-Type = Async
Wed Nov 26 18:51:22 1997: [224] User-Name = "bray"
Wed Nov 26 18:51:22 1997: [224] Password =
Wed Nov 26 18:51:22 1997: [224] ntauth: user <bray> is on domain <HRSB>.
Wed Nov 26 18:51:22 1997: [224] ntauth: User <bray> invalid Username or
Wed Nov 26 18:51:22 1997: [224] Sending Reject of id 37 to

The problem is that my account is indeed username "bray" and I am typing
the password correctly.. here is a copy of the user profile:

bray Auth-Type = System, Group = "radiusppp"
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-IP-Address =,
Framed-Routing = None,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP,
Framed-MTU = 1500,

and, yes, I am in the radiusppp group. I even tried eliminating this
directive but no change.

Any help would be appreciated!

Please email me directly and cc it to bray@internautics.net since I do
not monitor this list closely

Ted MacNeil
Systems Manager

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