Re: (PM) Compaq Presario 56k Modems

David Glynn (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 22:42:49 -0600

At 10:31 PM 11/25/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I hooked up a customer tonight running a Compaq Presario k56flex modem
>running firmware v1.3.07. The best speed we could get out of it was 26.4k
>dialing into any of my PM3 POPs. The strange thing was the modem was go
>through the handshaking and negotiation, pause, retrain once and then
>authentication would begin. The end result was always a 26.4 connection.
>I have other 56k customers in the same telephone switch getting 48k. Has
>anyone else experienced this behavior with the Compaq 56k modems? ComOS is

Hrumph, yeah, I've seen that. Do they have two phone lines? Around us it
usually means that their phone line has been multiplexed, and like it or
not, that is maxed out on a multi-plexed line. Had one user get a second
line for his modem, only to watch his connects drop from fat and happy 44k,
to a consistent 26.4k. GTE says tough beans, that's the way we do 'em.
Keeps the hours low on the Ditch-Witch.

Sucks big-time.

David Glynn
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