(PM) Forwarded mail...

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Sat, 22 Nov 1997 01:19:05 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Walter Parker shaped the electrons to say...
>For the server, I have a pm2e with 8 ISDN lines, giving 16 Single B channels
>(64K each) in a hunt group with a single hunt number. I also have 2 seperate
>ISDN phone lines with 4 seperate phone numbers for 4 additional single B
>channels (64K each).
>Port S27 has phone number xyz-abcd
>Port S28 has phone number xyz-defg


>These ports are unnumbered and on the same box.

What do you mean 'unnumbered'? You can't assign IPs to dialin ports at
all, so if that is what you meant I don't get it.

>I have an OR-U at home where I have an ISDN line with 2 channels, S1 and S2.

>How do set the location so that dials xyz-abcd for one channel and xyz-defg
>for the other channel automatically. The PAP box only has room for one

1. What 'PAP box'? I have no idea what you are talking about there.
2. Just enter the two numbers in the location table.
'set loc locname phone xyzabcd&xyzdefg'

And if the location table is set to ondemand, it will dial the first
number and then the second number if it needs the second line. Assuming
max-ports is 2.

>I will try changing the OR-U from Max Ports 2, no multilink to Max Ports 1,
>multilink when I get home, but I don't see how it is going to know what

Max-ports 1 mwans you will never get a second line up. Keep max ports 2.
Since you are dialing into a Livingston you don't need to use multilink,
our proprietary load balancing works.


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
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