Re: (PM) OS-HS Frame Overflow

Jacob Suter (
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 19:49:24 -0600

> Spoke with Dave Rand(GTE Manager) who said:

Oh no, not more GTE...

> 1. Line has been tested at full T1 speed and works fine.

"Works fine" can mean a few things, especially in GTE language:

1. works to spec (never)
2. works as good as the GTE guy feels like making it (probable)
3. they don't want to do anything to fix it (usually)

> 2. There should be a way (setting, etc.) for us to limit our
> usage to 128K max - their Coos Bay test showed we are
> running up to 126% of the 128K - way too high.

On frame Relay it is NOT your responsibility to limit your bandwidth.
If you only have a 128k LINE speed then you and GTE both should have
T1's set up with only 2 channels open (64k+64k). If the line speed is
T1 and the CIR is 128k, you are SUPPOSED to be able to burst over that.

> 3. Since your other customers connections work OK, that
> tends to point to a problem with the equipment at our
> (Hardin Optical) end - probably TSU and/or Router.

I'd place money on either the router(s) needing upgrading, or GTE's

> Dave said he did not think further testing of the line itself
> would be of help at this time - that we should find a way to
> limit our throughput to 128k max.

2 channel t1, channelized T1 CSU's at each end... If its a "T1 frame
link with 128k cir" tell them to fix their crap since its NOT your

Good luck,
Jacob Suter
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