(PM) Used Equipment

Steve Fogelson (fogelst@ipsincorp.com)
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 06:50:15 -0600

Looking for a USR MP/8 or 16. Would like EPROM Rev 2.1.3 and DSP Rev
2.2.1 or above. Or upgradable to.

Also looking for 10 port asyn module for PM 2E.

Please reply off the list.


Steve Fogelson
IPS Incorporated

DOSTAM & WINTAM 5.0D+ (24 Users), Netware 3.12, Win NT 3.51, Citrix 1.7, Win 95B, Netfax, 5250 Emulation to AS400, Applied First Rate Personal Lines Rating, CNA POS, Frame Relay, Netscape 3.0, Internet Service Provider - To unsubscribe, email 'majordomo@livingston.com' with 'unsubscribe portmaster-users' in the body of the message.