(PM) finger...

Mark O'Leary (Mark.O'Leary@nessie.mcc.ac.uk)
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 10:44:22 +0000 (GMT)


Is there a simple way for someone (i.e. my manager!) to get information on
current number of users on a pm3 using the unix finger commmand? (he was
able to do this with our old annex 4000s). Yes, I have mrtg but it doesnt
help from a text only connection...

Thanks for any "finger pointers"


P.S. Thanks also for the advice on how to test a second PRI by multiple
telnets. Interesting method!

  Mark O'Leary,              |   Voice: +44 (0161) 2756110
  Network Support Officer,   |   Email: Mark.O'Leary@mcc.ac.uk
  Manchester Computing, UK   |      or: mark@mcc.ac.uk
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