Re: (PM) PM3s and fast busys

Don Lashier (
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 23:43:00 -0800

On 11/21/97, at 2:17 AM, Robin Dua wrote:
>Most products progress with new releases, but the PM3s keep degenerating
>with each new ComOS release. Fast busy's, spontaneous rebooting, loss of
>connectivity, and disconnects are all wonderful benefits of owning a PM3.

My experience has been quite different. Never had fast busy's,
rebooting, disconnects, admin. Each release of SW has been better -
faster connects etc. I think you'll find that very few people
are having these problems with 3.7.2. You should have upgraded the
day it came out. Where've you been?


Don Lashier
Newport Internet

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