Bob Bloise (bbloise@trellis.net)
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 12:01:02 -0500

Same problems here, been reported many times to Livingston. They claim
that it is has been "fixed".
Not by Livingston as far as I know.

I FIXED MY PROBLEMS. No more connection problems. I had many customers
who could not connect to the new K56 modems. I was informed that the
customers had "junk" modems. These same "junk" modems would connect to the
competition and to the old 33.6 modems. I found the problem and fixed it.
They can connect all the time now. I also had customers complaining that
they were being disconnected every few minutes. I found the problem and
fixed it.

Many of the customers in my area could not connect at K56 speeds. I was
informed that my Telco had "bad" switches and it wouldn't work because of
the Telco. I found the problem and fixed it. Now these customers are
enjoying the K56 speed.

Some customers were "sharing" their login and password with others.
Livingston had no way of stopping this from happening. I found the problem
and fixed it.

The PM3's would randomly "reboot" themselves with no apparent cause. I
found the problem and fixed it.

Modems would go into "Admin" state and the machines had to be rebooted to
fix it. I found the problem and fixed it.

Customers were complaining that their connections would seem to slow down
to a crawl and then speed back up again. I found the problem and fixed it.

Customers were complaining that since I put in the new modems they had to
"play" with Init strings to get a connection and stay connected. I found
the problem and fixed it.

Livingston informed me that they had fixed all the above problems. I have
not seen the fix yet.


If you have had any of the above problems and would like to know what to do
to FIX THE PROBLEM then email to me at bbloise@trellis.net and I will send
you a detailed message on what I did to fix the problem.

It takes a little hack, but it is well worth it. You only have to issue
two commands to correct all the above problems. Email to me if you want
the commands that I used to fix the problems.


: From: pm-users-list@vine.co.uk
: To: portmaster-users@livingston.com
: Subject: (PM) USR Sportsters 14.4 connection problems
: Date: Thursday, November 20, 1997 6:52 AM
: Hello,
: We have a customer who could not get their USR Sportsters 14.4
: modems to establish a PPP session after they switched their PM3 to
: the new modems. This is from various PCs from various sites all of
: which used to work with old modems. The PM3 is running 3.7.2
: This is not, at first sight, a modem problem as they connect
: successfully; the problem is the PPP negotiation. The PM3 sends a
: LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST, then another and *then* receives the
: LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK from the first request, which it ignores. The
: decoder spits out a:
: Discarding PPP on port S5 - reply to old request
: The PM3 and the calling m/c are then continuously one packet out of
: sync. (I have tacked the Dring output at the end for those of you
: who like to see the raw data.)
: The problem is apparently for all of their USR Sportster 14.4
: modems but NO other type of modem appears to show this problem.
: They have tried dialing into other PM3s and get the same problem,
: as far as they can tell from the client end.
: I know that these are antiques but there are enough of them out
: there to make it worth their while to spend some effort in try to
: fix this problem. Has anybody got any ideas?
: Regards:
: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
: Martin Oakes support@knowware.co.uk
: KnowWare (UK) Ltd. http://www.knowware.co.uk/
: 1, Glentworth Road, Redland, Bristol BS6 7EQ
: Tel: (0117) 923 2218 Fax: (0117) 924 6358
: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
: Dring: Decoder Ring for Livingston Product PPP traces
: -----------------------------------------------------
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing:
: 01 01 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 01, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing:
: 01 02 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 02, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S5 of 19 bytes containing:
: 01
: 02 00 17 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08 02 0D 03 06
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 02, 23 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Callback [0x0D], length: (3 bytes), [0x06]
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S5 of 7 bytes containing:
: 04 02 00 07 0D 03 06
: Packet Info: Code: 04, ID: 02, 7 bytes.
: Callback [0x0D], length: (3 bytes), [0x06]
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing:
: 01 03 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 03, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S5 of 19 bytes containing:
: 01
: 03 00 17 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08 02 0D 03 06
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 03, 23 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Callback [0x0D], length: (3 bytes), [0x06]
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S5 of 7 bytes containing:
: 04 03 00 07 0D 03 06
: Packet Info: Code: 04, ID: 03, 7 bytes.
: Callback [0x0D], length: (3 bytes), [0x06]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 02 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 02, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Discarding PPP on port S5 - reply to old request
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing
: 01 04 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 04, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S5 of 19 bytes containing:
: 01
: 04 00 17 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08 02 0D 03 06
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 04, 23 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Callback [0x0D], length: (3 bytes), [0x06]
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S5 of 7 bytes containing:
: 04 04 00 07 0D 03 06
: Packet Info: Code: 04, ID: 04, 7 bytes.
: Callback [0x0D], length: (3 bytes), [0x06]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 03 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 03, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Discarding PPP on port S5 - reply to old request
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing
: 01 05 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 05, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S5 of 16 bytes containing:
: 01
: 05 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08 02
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 05, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 05 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08
: 02
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 05, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 04 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 04, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Discarding PPP on port S5 - reply to old request
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing
: 01 06 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 06, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S5 of 16 bytes containing:
: 01
: 06 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08 02
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 06, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 06 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08
: 02
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 06, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing:
: 01 07 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 07, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 05 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 05, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Discarding PPP on port S5 - reply to old request
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S5 of 16 bytes containing
: 01 07 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08
: 02
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 07, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 07 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08
: 02
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 07, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing:
: 01 08 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 08, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 06 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 06, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Discarding PPP on port S5 - reply to old request
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S5 of 16 bytes containing
: 01 08 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08
: 02
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 08, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 08 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08
: 02
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 08, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing:
: 01 09 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 09, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 07 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 07, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Discarding PPP on port S5 - reply to old request
: [0xF5], length: (110 bytes), [0x7C31]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S5 of 16 bytes containing:
: 01
: 09 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08 02
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 09, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 09 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08
: 02
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 09, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing:
: 01 0A 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 0A, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 08 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 08, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Discarding PPP on port S5 - reply to old request
: Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S5 of 16 bytes containing
: 01 0A 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08
: 02
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 0A, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S5 of 20 bytes containing:
: 02 0A 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 00 1E 50 E0 07 02 08
: 02
: Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 0A, 20 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x000A0000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x001E50E0]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S5 of 24 bytes containing:
: 01 0B 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 F3 C5 CA A2 07 02 08
: 02 03 04 C0 23
: Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 0B, 24 bytes.
: Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes),
: [0x00000000]
: Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xF3C5CAA2]
: Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
: Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
: Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password
: Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
: Richard Poynter
: Email : richard.poynter@dartnet.co.uk
: Phone : 44 (0)1794 511505
: -
: To unsubscribe, email 'majordomo@livingston.com' with
: 'unsubscribe portmaster-users' in the body of the message.
To unsubscribe, email 'majordomo@livingston.com' with
'unsubscribe portmaster-users' in the body of the message.