Re: (PM) ComOS 3.7.2 and Reboots

Willem Jan Withagen (
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 15:44:07 +0100 (MET)

In article <> you write:
>It doesn't matter if anyone has a ticket already..:) If you are having the
>problem, any problem for that matter, OPEN A TICKET VIA PHONE! It helps
>Livingston track how wide-spread the problem is.

Doesn't work for European customers. They are told to use the channels
for this. Which make it a very sluggish interface. :-(

We've got 1 PM3 (our first) which has crashed just about every day, until
recently. And now it's been up for 4 days 17 hours 28 minutes.

So we're at limbo.


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