(PM) Re: NT PMConsole memory leak?

Mark Radabaugh (mark@woodville.net)
Sat, 15 Nov 1997 20:08:36 -0500

Oops, didn't mean to send this yet... I think it went over 100M but I was
going to check it again in the morning and post this if the problem repeated
itself. Where is the recall button for mail anyway ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Radabaugh <mark@woodville.net>
To: portmaster-users <portmaster-users@livingston.com>
Date: Saturday, November 15, 1997 8:03 PM
Subject: NT PMConsole memory leak?

>PMConsole ( / NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 / Intel) seems to have a memory
>leak (at least on my system). If I leave it running it slowly goes from
>using ~2000k to 7000k in the space of a few hours. When left running all
>it reaches over 100000k. Debug mode is turned off. Anyone else seen this

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