Re: (PM) Problems connecting to certain sites

Alan L. Wendt (
Sat, 15 Nov 1997 14:36:52 -0700

In article <01bcef98$be2207e0$> you wrote:
: Ok - here it goes:

: We have several dialup pools served with pm-25's running ComOS 3.7.
: We have had several calls regarding a few specific sites (the list is up to
: 8 now) from a few customers (that list is up to 6 now) that cannot be
: reached.

Are all the sites behind firewalls? If so, this is probably
some problem having to do with packet reassembly behind
firewalls. Get them to set MTU=576. W95 doesn't allow
setting MTU but there's a utility called mtuspeed that
you can download or get off my ftp site

Alan Wendt
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