(PM) VPN stuff

Erik Bos (erik@xs4all.net)
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 18:35:46 +0100 (MET)

Any news about VPN protocols for ComOS / PM3 / PM4 ?

From: melo@co.telenet.pt (Pedro Melo)
To: portmaster-users@livingston.com
Subject: Re: Tunneling with portmaster? (fwd)
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 1997 11:17:00 GMT
Message-ID: <33bfe6e6.223175369@mail.co.telenet.pt>
References: <199706281339.GAA03527@server.livingston.com>

On Sat, 28 Jun 1997 06:39:11 -0700 (PDT), MegaZone <megazone@livingston.com> wrote:

>Once upon a time Miquel van Smoorenburg shaped the electrons to say... >>I found some interesting draft RFCs on the livingston ftp site in >>/pub/radius. Two of them are about using RADIUS to negotiate a tunnel. >>(PPTP, IPIP etc). >> >>Does ComOS support this? Are there plans to support it in the future? > >No it does not. We have no plans to support L2F, PPTP, LT2P, etc, at this >time. We plan to support a *real* VPN protocol, that is an official RFC >(5 actually)- IPSec (aka Secure IP).

Any ideias on the position of IPSec on the Eng. todo list? Top, bottom, middle?


PS: See? I didn't ask for a release date... ;)

************** Pedro Melo (melo@co.telenet.pt) BOFH ******************
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