Re: (PM) ComOS 3.7.2 & Motorola 56k pausing (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 13:30:29 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Dave Cates shaped the electrons to say...
> Now I have a problem because it greatly affects my customers and myself
>because I have a MOT. It worked great in 3.7.1, so you are admitting it is
>a problem, what is LE doing to address this problem???

It is, as far as we can tell, the client. We are not admitting to any
problem in the PM-3 that causes this. And, as I said, I've heard reports
of this sporadically with MOTs before 3.7.2, and a few other clients. And
all indications are it is the client causing the stops.

If and when it is indentified as a problem on our end, it will be addressed.
At this time we do not feel it is our issue to resolve, and we believe the
K56flex code in the PM-3 is solid and compliant. And this does not happen
with all clients that we have seen, nor even 'reliably' with those it has
been reported with.


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