Re: (PM) Semen Switches vs 5ESS

Larry A. Weidig (
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 21:02:12 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 12 Nov 1997, Chris wrote:

> I am posting this for those that might be having a problem with Semen
> switches in their CO (Telco). We have been running around with our heads
> cut off trying to get 56k connections. We have finnally had an Ameritech
> engineer out to our site, and after contacting another engineer that is
> working on KFlex and x2, they were able to get into our COs Semen switches
> and make it so we can get 56k (44k) connections!
> Anyone that is having the same problems with this switch can contact us
> at:

I would be EXTREMELY interested to see what you came up with for a
solution to this. We have worked with Ameritech for about a month to get
performance on the Seimens switch at a decent level. We are usin
channelized T1, B8ZS, ESF and E&M wink start. At first we were getting
very poor connect rates and NO connections above 33.6K. After tinkering
around we finally set the padding level for local calls to 3db (the
default is 0) and that immediately increased our rates and let the
K56Flex connections be made. We still however are getting between
2400-4800 worse connect rates with our 33.6K customers as compared to the
analog equipment (ISPorte) which was connecting 33.6 frequently. Now 28.8
and 31.2 are more common. The last "problem" that I can see is that the
switch is not capable os 0 DNIS digits, although we did get them to lower
it to 1 for us. It is my guess that at this point the switch is setup at
the best configuration and that the slower connect speeds are problems
with the Livingston modem code connecting to certain brands of modems.
Again I would appreciate hearing your experiences and any
information you may have gotten from the install. Thanks.

Larry A. Weidig Excel.Net, Inc. Phone: (920) 452-0455 "Your excellent Internet provider" Fax: (920) 452-8118 Toll Free: (888) 489-9995

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