(PM) free Simultaneous-Use support in Merit server limits multiple logins

Tue, 11 Nov 1997 23:18:52 -0600 (CST)

I have written an addition to the Merit server to support limits on
simultaneous logins.

Although there are several patches floating around to enable this support
for the Livingston server, I didn't see any for Merit. Possibly this is
because the licensed version of the Merit radius server ($2495.00) has
perfectly good support built into its fine LAS module.

Like Merit's LAS code, this additional code maintains a call state-table,
which tracks dialup sessions to support the Simultaneous-Use attribute.
The table is modified and updated based on authentication and accounting
requests; it does not require running any external "helper" or "callout"
scripts. Unlike Merit's LAS code, the addition is single-purpose, and

see http://www.mr.net/~bradley/radius

Bradley Carlson
Minnesota Regional Network (MRNet) engineering
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