Re: (PM) OR-U: no default route to learned IP address? (fwd)

Tom (
Sun, 9 Nov 1997 11:56:53 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 9 Nov 1997, Stephen Zedalis wrote:


> Just pass the default via RIP. Or point to a gateway router on the ISP's
> side, ie. IF the ISP's router address is on an ethernet and the route is
> known via PPP (w/proper netmask) you can point at the ISP's core router as
> the gateway, then it shouldn't matter which OR the customer dialed in on.

Huh? This isn't useful at all. The route will not be known via PPP,
until the link comes up, and the farend address is learned. So basically,
the default route is pointing to a useless address until the link comes
up. So much for on demand connections. It is a chicken and egg problem.

> Or use ip reported on all your dialin OR's. There is provided at least 3
> workarounds here. Realize that this is an "office router", it is designed
> to plug one office to another or office to ISP. (those are relatively
> fixed situations) I'm sure there are very few situations where you don't
> have a clue as to where the default route should go. AND if that isn't

You have provided two solutions. Both of these require co-operation of
the "central site", either to configure reported ip, or RIP.

An additional problem with RIP, is that you have to wait for a routing
update, to get the default route, which could add make on demand links
very annoying, and nullify the fast connect of ISDN. As well, route
progrogation control is a bit weak, so you could end up dumping a lot of
unnecessary routes on the OR.

> enough, Livingston is working on a fix in 3.8, so get off it already.

Don't take it personal, but if you make inaccurate statements, I'm going
to call you on it.


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