(PM) (IRX) phantom netconnections (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Sat, 8 Nov 1997 09:04:33 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Michael J. Thibodeau shaped the electrons to say...
> I have an IRX-211 that has been transformed into a packet filter.
> No use for Sync or ASync ports. I find that for no good reason it keeps
> trying to make connections to a nonexistant pmd process:

If ANY port has a 'portmaster' mode set for *either* login device or login
service it will do this. It tries to talk to in.pmd to say hello basically.
It doesn't wait for the connection to go active.

Set all the ports service_device and service_login to rlogin or something
and this should stop.

>Is there a way to get an ascii configuration file of the IRX?

Not at this time. That is coming.


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