(PM) Re: preventing multiple logins solved months ago, now shut up.

Fri, 07 Nov 1997 12:29:53 -0500

Chris Wilson <cbw@atlantic.net> ,in message <Pine.LNX.3.96.971107000634.11833J-
100000@rio.atlantic.net>, wrote:

> The big problem is (doesn't it always seem like it comes down to this?)
> scalability. Most of these solutions would work well with small to

christ. The theoretical problem has already been solved for months, maybe
years. Megazone has posted the solution several times. It's just a matter of
implementing the components in the portmaster and the software. I have heard
Megazone say several times that they will not solve the problem until they can
solve it the right way, and until they add the necessary components, all other
solutions will be half-assed hacks, even if they are effective in some cases.

> single-digit POP'ed operations, but once you start to go
> statewide/regional/nationwide, things get messier and messier. I'm
> starting to get some weird ideas on ways it could be done, maybe I'll
> start messing around with something :)

... getting an idea? Read through the archives. The complete solution is
spread out before you if you can pick Megazone's message out of the giant heap of
half-assed (yet sometimes effective) solutions and assorted complaints.

Bob Forsman                                   thoth@gainesville.fl.us
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