Re: (PM) PM3 and UPS Power

Gary McKinney (
Fri, 7 Nov 1997 07:12:51 -0500

Just one recommendation here (coming from an electrical engineer <grin>).
Before you bond the two together make SURE there was not a common ground
already by virtue of the normal grounding paths (earth ground on the power
plug connection and the telco earth ground a SUPPOSED to be grounded to the
same power source earth ground by CODE (electrical code - not programming
code for all the programmers out there <grin>).

If the power receptacle earth ground or the telco earth ground are NOT
there I would call an certified electrician in (unless you own the building
and know exactly what you are doing) to get the problem corrected. If you
perform bonding between the telco earth ground and the power earth ground
and there already exists an alternate common ground then you can setup a
condition where you could be inducing electrical noise into your system by a
ground loop.

I have seen such a condition when I worked at the Cape (Kennedy) where an
electrical tech had bonded some equipment to a structure ground thinking the
earth ground connection was not in place and every time an electrical storm
would pass within 5 miles of the place the equipment would do strange things
( reset - lose data sync - stop processing information - you get the
picture ).

Just some info...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob Suter <>
To: Jeff Halper <>
Cc: <>
Date: Thursday, November 06, 1997 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: (PM) PM3 and UPS Power

>YES of course, you should protect all your electronics! I've got UPSes
>on all the computer hardware (minus monitors), terminals, routers,
>modems, terminal servers, TV, stereo, nightlite (heh), etc :)
>Just a recomendation with UPSes tho. I have a friend that told me on
>leased lines you NEED (*NEED*) to bond the eletrical ground and the
>telco ground togethe - not sure if this is true, but I've done it and
>nothing significant has blown up here...
>Jeff Halper wrote:
>> Can I use an APC 600VA or a Tripp Omnismart 675 to protect a Portmaster 3
>> from low voltage, brownouts and blackouts? Anyone use these units?
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