Re: (PM) Radius (fwd)

Jacob Suter (
Thu, 06 Nov 1997 23:09:21 -0600

> The big problem is (doesn't it always seem like it comes down to this?)
> scalability. Most of these solutions would work well with small to
> single-digit POP'ed operations, but once you start to go
> statewide/regional/nationwide, things get messier and messier. I'm
> starting to get some weird ideas on ways it could be done, maybe I'll
> start messing around with something :)

Proxy each POP (most ISPs have a box at each pop, I've heard many keep a
mirror of their radius records there anyways for quick reliable auth).
The thing is, it wouldn't be time dependant. If the second luser is on
for 20 seconds, who cares? Just probe everything and if it comes back
'bad', bye bye, if it doesn't (and there is a double login but the
lookup timed out) oh well.

If it only grabs 95%, its 95% - Its better than 0% or running a hack...

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