(PM) 3.7.2 Upgrade fixed

Larry A. Weidig (lweidig@excel.net)
Tue, 4 Nov 1997 00:07:20 -0600 (CST)

I received a couple of messages on fixing the failed upgrade. One
was to simply try the upgrade multiple times. The third time I tried the
upgrade it took and the PM3 is back in service. I just wanted to pass the
information along so that others might have it. Quoting the person who
gave me the fix: "It worked for met, but I am not support". Use at your
own risk. Thanks.

Larry A. Weidig Excel.Net, Inc. Phone: (920) 452-0455
lweidig@excel.net "Your excellent Internet provider" Fax: (920) 452-8118
http://www.excel.net/ Toll Free: (888) 489-9995

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