(PM) PAP Authorization gone Sour..

Kelley Lingerfelt (pm2e@cococo.net)
Mon, 3 Nov 1997 20:42:09 -0500 (EST)

We have a customer, that can't get verified thru DialUp Networking, I have
never seen anything like it. Anybody experienced anything like this
before, during the PAP Authorization, the password sent is just a bunch of
gibberish, he is typing in his password, it is just a plain jane pasword.
the username comes through without a hitch, but the Password is just
garbage. He has another account with another ISP, that is working fine, we
(the customer and I, over the phone) created a new DialUp connection, but
it is doing the same thing. Anybody run into something similar to this,
this a PM3, with 3.7.1c1 ComOS, Bellsouth PRIs. I am sure this is a Win95
problem, but, anybody seen anything like this. As a note, he was working
just fine until Saturday.

Cut from the dring output for client.

Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S0 of 20 bytes containing:
02 03 00 14 02 06 00 0A 00 00 05 06 01 78 31 CB 07 02 08
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 03, 20 bytes.
Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes), [0x000A0000]
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x017831CB]
Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
**** S0: LCP Open

Received PAP_AUTH_REQ on port S0 of 18 bytes containing:
01 01 00 12 05 69 72 69 73 68 07 10 78 0A 63 10 64 1D
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 01, 18 bytes.
Login ID: irish (5 bytes), [0x6972697368]
Password: x
cd (7 bytes), [0x10780A6310641D]

Sending PAP_AUTH_NAK to port S0 of 18 bytes containing:
03 01 00 12 0D 49 6E 76 61 6C 69 64 20 4C 6F 67 69 6E
Packet Info: Code: 03, ID: 01, 18 bytes.
Message: Invalid Login (13 bytes),



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