Re: Is anyone happy with the 56k cards?

Stephen Fisher (
Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:46:58 -0600 (MDT)

On Fri, 29 Aug 1997, Jake Messinger wrote:

> I'm seeing enough email on the list to concern me about the performance
> of the PM 3.

Me too, but I'm getting used to all of the problems =)

> I would like to know, out of those of you who have the pm 3's with the
> 56k cards:
> Are you happy with them?


> Are they working okay?


> Are they faster than the old cards?


> Are they slower?


> For those who replaced pm 2's with pm 3's+56k, where are you on the
> functionality scale? Are you customers getting worse service? The same
> service, or BETTER service?

I have had about two out of 250+ users that have switched from my analog
dial-ins to the PM3 so far with problems connecting. They couldn't
connect at all with the old cards, not sure about the new ones yet (just
had them in for a day). They are mostly getting better service, though
the old cards were giving lower connection rates for most people and a lot
of people mentioned it.

I even had a user that couldn't connect to our sportsters or cardinals but
could to the pm3 :-)

> I ask this for a few reasons:
> 1. I have a customer who is quite unhappy with the performance of the pm
> 3 with the 56k cards. He says he is LOOSING customers because of it.

With the new cards I just got a report of random disconnectings, this LAPM
problem that Lucent and Livingston are supposted to be fixing ASAP.

> He wants to go back to pm 2e's.

I don't.

> 2. I need to make a decision as to whether the PM 3 is something I want to
> continue to use, sell and support

I would, it just has a few more things to tweak to perfection.

- Steve
- Systems Manager
- Community Internet Access, Inc.
- Gallup and Grants, New Mexico