K56flex test line for NON-flex modems?

Stefan Hudson (hudson@mbay.net)
Fri, 29 Aug 1997 10:54:55 -0700 (PDT)

USR has a test line you can call with a 'normal' (non-X2) modem
that will evaluate the phone line you are calling from, and give
you some indication if you might be able to get an X2 connection.
The whole process sounds pretty fishy to me, but it seems to be able
to give a general idea at least; people calling from areas far away
from the switch, or with notoriously bad lines tend to get lower
ratings when calling this line.

Does anyone have something like this for K56flex connections? I don't
like to use the USR/X2 number even though the information it provides
will probably apply to K56flex connections too, because it's a
non-compatable protocol, and users are confused enough about X2 as
it is.

I can't wait till X2 goes the way of HST...

     /// Stefan Hudson <hudson@mbay.net>  
__  /// Senior Network Administrator - Monterey Bay Internet
\\\/// http://www.mbay.net/  -  Email: info@mbay.net
 \XX/ Voice: 408-642-6100  Fax: 408-642-6101  Modem: 408-642-6102