Re: Is anyone happy with the 56k cards?

Jon Rust (
Fri, 29 Aug 97 09:58:12 -0700

On 8/29/97 7:26 AM proclaimed --

>I'm seeing enough email on the list to concern me about the performance of
>the PM 3.
>I would like to know, out of those of you who have the pm 3's with the 56k
>Are you happy with them?

The cards, yes. The 56k technology, no.

>Are they working okay?

Better 28.8/33.6 connections. 56k is non-existant.

>Are they faster than the old cards?

Average connect speed has climbed. I'd say almost all of our customers
connect at 31.2.

>Are they slower?

Faster than the old cards. Slightly better ping times. With the stac
cards, and compression turned off in the client's modem, latency REALLY

>For those who replaced pm 2's with pm 3's+56k, where are you on the
>functionality scale? Are you customers getting worse service? The same
>service, or BETTER service?

In my area at least, PRI is much less stable then POTS. My USR MP/16 -
PM2e combo's work great. Up for months/years at a time without a single
hitch. Can't say the same for the PRIs plugged into my PM-3s.

56k is bleeding edge technology.
