Re: 56k vs. the Great Telephone Experiment

Jon Rust (
Thu, 28 Aug 97 17:40:45 -0700

On 8/28/97 5:12 PM proclaimed --

>At 10:00 AM 8/28/97 -0700, Jon Rust wrote:
>>My excitement of receiving the new cards quickly disappeared the first
>>time I tried connecting a Zoom 56kx modem to my PM-3. On one of them,
>>nada. On the other, 38k, but a dropped connection shortly thereafter.
>>So I tried Hayes. Same thing. I've got customers trying Zoltrix, Smart
>>Rapid Transit (Apex is the parent company I believe -- they use Lucent
>>chips), Falcon, and Supra. Nothing works. :-((((
>>I'd always assumed everything was gonna be okay since our average connect
>>rate for our customers is 31.2. I *always* get a 31.2 connection from my
>>house, but can't do dick with any 56k modem I've tried.
>check the firmware releases on the modems and then check the manufacturers
>web sites for updates. Most modems don't have the K56flex compliant
>firmware. I've seen reports of modems bought last week still having the
>old firmware.

Zoom is shipping modems with 1.0 and 1.002 code. I checked, that's what I
had. The Hayes was using their beta of the 1.0 code, which I flashed onto
it myself and which most people have had good luck with according to this
list. The Apex is 1.0 code. The Supra was a beta, though it looks like
they've got the final on their site now.
