Allocate bandwidth

Gary (
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 09:10:48 -0400 (EDT)

How do I restrict one of my customers to 1/4 or 1/2 of a T1? Here's my
current setup (t1-wise):

T1 ---> Prelude CSU/DSU ---> PM2ER ---> the rest of my network

The customer in question has his own class C. Is there a Livingston
product that will allow me to "chop up" my bandwidth? I'm looking for
something that will cost less than $2000.00 (USA). I've seen the
Packetshaper from Packeteer, and it's exactly what I want. But it costs
too much. If I bought a "real" router (sorry Livingston, you know what I
mean), could I do what I want to do?

/ Gary Swofford - Hampton Roads Online - Yorktown Virginia USA )
/ (757) 591-5300 /
(______________ System/Network/Web Administrator ______________/