Re: comos upgrade (fwd)

Jason Marshall (
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 17:02:00 -0600 (MDT)

> Once upon a time Paul Haggart shaped the electrons to say...
> > I'm running ComOS 3.3.1 on a PM2e.. if I upgrade to the latest flash rom,
> >will I lose all config info for that machine?
> No, you don't lose configuration when upgrading.

Are you certain? Going from 3.3.1 (I think that was it) to 3.5, all the
static routes we had defined in each portmaster went missing... No
biggie, just a little gotcha to look out for. Everything else was just
fine. (Yes, the routes had been saved, and had survived a few reboots,

| Jason Marshall, Spots InterConnect, Inc. Calgary, AB |