Re: PM3 + CT1 = Frustration!

Jawaid Bazyar (
Sat, 23 Aug 1997 10:53:38 +0800

At 10:36 PM 8/20/97 -0700, Jay Hennigan wrote:
>On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Mark Conway Wirt wrote:
>> The Situation
>> A PM3, with 3 10 modem cards. ComOS version 3.5.1b20. The lines
>> are FSX loop start (ESF, B8ZS). I'd prefer to have wink start
> ^^^^^^^^^
>Are you _sure_ of this? Try D4 framing, AMI coding. ESF-B8ZS is common
>on data lines, exceedingly rare on channelized voice lines.

My CT1 is provisioned ESF, B8ZS. Can anyone think of a reason this might
interfere with DOV?

 Jawaid Bazyar              |   Affordable WWW & Internet Solutions
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