Motorola 56K info

Scott Lampert (
Sat, 23 Aug 1997 03:46:13 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, J. Eric Calvert wrote:

> Here is what happened when I called Motorola Tech Support about
> getting an upgrade to V1.0 K56Flex code for my VoiceSURFR modem:
> 1. Talked to a "1st Level Tech" who said that .519 was the
> latest version they were shipping because there were
> problems with the 1.(002, 006, 009) code from Lucent.
> 2. He transferred me to sales because "someone in sales
> may be able to help you better."
> 3. Sales said "Let me transfer you to a 2nd Level Tech."
> 4. Got the Tech Support operator who said "Sales can't do
> that, I'll get you another 1st Level Tech."
> 5. 2nd 1st Level Tech (Kelvin) said that the 1.00x code
> would not be available until the middle of next month,
> and that they already had enough beta testers, so
> they will not give out the beta code to anyone else.
> Between the automated answering system, and being on hold every
> time I was transferred, this whole process cost me about 30
> minutes of long-distance time. None of the techs ever asked me
> to check to see if my modem was even flashable.

My experience with them was far different than yours. We got
ahold of James Madden, the fellow in charge of the firmware for the
ModemSurfers, and he promptly sent us two flash revisions. One for
internals, and one for externals. We found that we had a bunch of
Motorolas with the v.110 code which is not flashable and Motorola said they
would gladly swap them for the newer flashable models, which are now
shipping with the 1.1 code as of Thursday. We had a few that have the
0.516 code, which need a two stage flash.. One to flash it to 0.519 and
the next to 1.1. The 0.519 modems can go right to 1.1. The code we have
in hand now is beta, but the real 1.1 that is shipping from the factory
will be posted on their web page sometime this week. The new modems with
the new firmware should be available in about a week as well. If you want
to get them, you can order directly from Motorola as opposed to your
vendor who is likely to pawn off his current inventory of old code stock.

| Scott Lampert | System Administrator |
| | Internet of Asheville |
|(704) 274-1196 Ext 126 | |