Re: 56k how? Summary please! (fwd)

Karl Denninger (karl@Mcs.Net)
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 17:42:34 -0500

On Wed, Aug 20, 1997 at 03:04:35PM -0700, Leonard wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Jake Messinger wrote:
> > I think it is good that Livingston is offering a trade-in deal at ALL.
> > 50% of the market is about par for the course. What does USR give you for
> > a pm 3?
> Welp, according to solunet, USR will give you a new (new chasis/model)
> Totally OuttaControl /w 48 X2 modems in exchange for a PM3 with 30 or more
> modems. Not that I'm actually considering it :) Just thought you'd like to
> know.
> > If you think you can get more for them and you want to hassle with selling
> > them yourself, then go right ahead. They are not FORCING you to trade
> > anything in.
> I agree. I think if you sell it to LE, they're gonna give it to MZ to run
> over with his steam roller :) IMHO, they just want to move ISPs towards
> the PMs.

I wouldn't take a TC chassis if you GAVE it to me.

By the time I got done paying the power (and cooling) bill for that sucker,
I'd be broke. Not to mention the lack of minor things like hardware-assisted
STAC compression and OSPF.

Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| MCSNet - Serving Chicagoland and Wisconsin     | T1's from $600 monthly to FULL DS-3 Service
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