Re: admin console over isdn (fwd)

James Sneeringer (
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 16:16:03 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 19 Aug 1997, MegaZone wrote:
| Once upon a time Markus Ridder, MB&T GmbH shaped the electrons to say...
| >is it possible to get an admin console dialing into a pm2e with 5bri
| >and/or pm3 using an isdn-dialup connection, or is this just possible
| Yes. Just login as the admin user as per normal.

I think Markus meant something along the lines of dialing in with a
terminal emulator (Procomm+, Telix, etc.) and establishing a terminal
session with the PortMaster.

I have a pair of 2e's, one with all async ports, one with all bri. I can
do this just fine dialing into an async port, but when I dial into a bri
the 2e tries to start PPP every time. This is before authentication is
attempted. Both 2e's are configured thusly:

Port Type: Login/Netwrk Login/Netwrk (Dial In) (Security)


|\ James Sneeringer, System Administrator <>
| \ Oberlander Communications Systems, Inc. :: 309/688-4766 or 800/747-4768
|  \ pgp key fingerprint: 3A E9 B0 7C C6 1C B3 65  28 9E 8D B7 86 5D 18 5E
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