Re: How good is the OR-HS (fwd)

David Davies (
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 09:01:57 -0400

> Once upon a time Krzysztof Adamski shaped the electrons to say...
> >I'm looking for information on the OR-HS, how good is it.
> >If is has a T1 connected and OSPF running on the local network, what are
> >the maximums that is can deal with?
> It can push a full E1 and deal with OSPF just fine. Especially with 3.7L
> which has the improved WAN driver.
Which by the way is one damn good OS upgrade to make. Have seen some
serious performance increase with 3.7 installed.

Just my $0.02

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."