Re: Busies on PM-3's

Carl Hillsman (
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 14:21:36 -0400 (EDT)

we are seeing a fast busy condition only on one of our units.

the unit athat is giving us greif is running 3.5.1b20, ct1 from a 5ess
provisioned as fxs loop start, b8zs/esf.

aside from the broken condition we have at the one location, we see
another issue:

from the release notes of comos3.7....the only way to get 56k analog
onnections is to go trunk side wink start. this is problematic for us in
md bell atlantic land. they are saying that to get wink/truck side, we
have to go to did lines over the t1's...this is mega bucks.....hopefully
there is another work around.

thoughts or suggestions would help greatly......


On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Jon Rust wrote:

> On 8/19/97 7:37 PM proclaimed --
> >On Tue, 19 Aug 1997, Jon Rust wrote:
> >
> >> Every now and then, my hunt groups are ringing busy even though there are
> >> many lines available. Doing a "sh ses" reveals only a handful of ports in
> >> use. A "sh mod" doesn't show anything out of the ordinary either. I know
> >> others on the list have seen the problem, but LE has been silent (is this
> >> trend?). It happens often enough that it makes me real uneasy. A reboot
> >> always cures the problem but rebooting my PM every 4 days doesn't make me
> >> happy.
> >
> >It could be the telco giving you the problems...
> Nope. Judging from the fact that others on the list have reported the
> exact same behavior, I seriously doubt it. The first few times it
> happened I rushed to get GTE on the horn, had them check everything out,
> and the circuit was fine by all their testing. I know, take it with a
> grain of salt. Well, it happens too many times. BTW, my Ascend never does
> this (PRI out of the same ATT5ESS).
> >Then again ComOS etc.... info would help....
> Whoops. Knew I forgot something. 3.7. 4 meg (512k available pretty much
> all the time). Running PRI from a DMS100 (PM-3 #1) and an ATT5ESS (PM-3
> #2).
> Jon