Re: Old Modem Cards (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 19:48:33 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Sam shaped the electrons to say...
>Am I beating a dead horse here, or is there any hope in somehow getting 3
>old cards and using them?

Livingston does not want them to remain in the field. We want to get
rid of them, and will not continue to support them for long after the new
cards are fully distributed.

It is dead technology with known problems, and eventually you will not
be able to upgrade ComOS because new releases will stop supporting the old
cards. We will continue to 'support' them by simply replacing them with
new cards.

I'm sure you can get them from someone. But it is an incredibly bad idea,
IMHO. You will be adopting known dead end technology with no future.

And the new cards do V.34 better than the old ones to start.


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