Re: Finding a 56k modem

Karl Denninger (karl@Mcs.Net)
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 17:56:32 -0500

On Tue, Aug 19, 1997 at 06:34:48PM -0400, Jordan Mendelson wrote:
> Well, today I went down to CompUSless and tried to find a modem which was v1.0
> or higher. I'll tell you, it is impossible.
> The only modem which lists it's modem code version is Hayes. The highest
> version they had of Hayes was .519 as internal. They actually had a .52 modem
> which was external (one of them, but tons of .519's). They even still sold
> .11's which can't be flashed.
> The only modem which I knew had an upgrade available to 1.0 was Supra. So I
> bought one. When I brought it back and tried to flash it, I learned that the
> Supra which was in stock has version .114, which is NOT flash upgradable.
> So here is the problem. Not only do I need the 56k revisions, but I also need
> the SKU #''s, product id's, or whatever distingushing marks which are on the
> box which would indicate that, "yeah, this modem will work".
> It would also be nice to have a list of distributers which have 56k modems
> which we could buy for our customers that support the Livingston equipment.

Zoom 56k internal, external, or PCMCIA.

Get the updater, if necessary, from our web site. The PCMCIA versions are
ALL 1.0 or later; no earlier ones were shipped.

All of the current units in the channel are flash-based.

Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| MCSNet - Serving Chicagoland and Wisconsin     | T1's from $600 monthly to FULL DS-3 Service
			     | NEW! K56Flex modem support is now available
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