Livingston Firewall and Motorola UTA220k

Dejan Muhamedagic (
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 16:25:39 -0400

Hello everybody,

I am trying to make PPP on ISDN connection to UUNET. The problem is
that no data is flowing, i.e. Firewall is able to dial the number (V.25
bis) and get =DCD= response but LCP messages are not seen on the other
side of the connection. No data flows in either direction. After 20
messages the Firewall gives up with "connection failed".

D led on Motorola UTA220k is steady on which should mean that the TA to
switch connection is OK (people from Nynex say so too).

I set up synchronous connection with V.35 cable from S1 port. On
Motorola's port (B channel), the protocol used is V.120. Perhaps I
should use "clear channel" for synchronous. There are also few other
parameters (on Motorola TA) for which I'm not able to find out what they
serve for.

Anybody having a hint or similar setup? Help would be greatly


Dejan Muhamedagic