Re: potential routing loops (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 02:56:40 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Stephen Fisher shaped the electrons to say...
>You may be.. it's probably one of those "our users are happy with what we
>provide <not> and if you don't like it go back to Cisco." issues:-)

Sure - Livingston will provide all the same things as Cisco...
When we're as BIG as Cisco.

Being the 300 pound gorrilla has some advantages.

Just one example, I know one of the web guys over there. They have
more than 20 people who do nothing but work on their web full time. And
countless other people who contribute content from various departments.

I think at this point we have 2 people full time on the web (I'm not one
of them) and 1 who is close to full time. And a score of people who
contribute content.

Talking to him they've tossed gobs of money at things to try on the
web. And if it didn't work out, oh well.

Livingston is growing fast, to be sure, but we can't do everything all
at once. And frankly it is more important to get engineers in the first
place to fix the bugs and add the features. Much more important that
having some public bug system users and poke at. MUCH more.

We're not Cisco. We're not going to BE Cisco. Even if we get as big as
them we're a different company. So yes, if people like Cisco's way of
doing things so much, you'd be better getting a Cisco. Because you
won't see Livingston acting like Cisco's twin brother.

There are a lot of things that would be nice to have. But nice to have
takes a back seat to *must* have.


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
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