56k RADIUS + report

Chris Adams (cadams@ro.com)
15 Aug 1997 03:52:11 GMT

I was just looking through our RADIUS log files for the period since we
got ComOS 3.7 and the 56k cards installed. The "Connect-Info" looks
kind of strange for 56k connections. For example, on a 38k connection,
this is the line in the log:

Connect-Info = "39 LAPM/V42BIS"

Isn't this going to be a problem for those ISPs that want to use
Connect-Info for a check item? 39 is not greater than 33600, so if you
try to limit people, the 56k connects will come in under the limit.

Also, it is rather confusing in general. I have my own software that
parses RADIUS accounting files into a set of Berkeley db files for
easier handling. This messes that up, since for easier and more compact
storage, I only store the first part of the rate. I use the regexp
\"[0-9]+00.* to match connect rates, and this no longer works.

Another thing: 39 is the string corresponding to a connect rate of 38k?

Just for kicks: here is a connect rate breakdown for the old and new

Rate Old New
43 - 0.13%
41 - 0.22%
39 - 1.14%
33600 1.13% 1.22%
31200 6.93% 10.27%
28800 34.43% 39.84%
26400 30.02% 23.77%
24000 5.37% 3.45%
21600 1.69% 1.05%
19200 2.16% 1.09%
16800 0.41% 0.25%
14400 14.06% 16.12%
12000 0.43% 0.66%
9600 0.78% 0.31%
7200 0.18% -
4800 2.33% 0.13%
2400 0.08% -
1200 0.01% 0.35%

While 33.6 connections haven't changed much, 31.2 and 28.8 are up. The
percentage of connections coming in at 28.8 or higher has gone from 42%
to 52%, which is a nice increase (especially since almost nobody is
connecting with a K56flex 1.0 modem).

Chris Adams - cadams@ro.com
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.