Re: K56Flex Question.

Kevin Smith (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 18:17:12 -0700

At 10:25 AM 8/14/97 -0400, Stephen Zedalis wrote:
>On 14 Aug 1997, Chris Adams wrote:
>>We went out and bought a Zoom and a Supra (both external) 56k modem
>>today. I got the Supra for tests. The first thing I had to do was go
>>to and download the flash upgrade. Right now, I
>>am connected at 19200/42k.
>Not very encouraging connect rate on transmit... The Supra we bought a
>week ago is NOT upgradeable.

You know what, we just bought a load of different K56 modems, and every
one of them was ROM based....they are on their way back to the supplier.

>>The guy that got the Zoom to test hasn't been able to get an upgrade out
>>of Zoom, so he connects at 28800.
>Yep, thats the state of the industry so far. (We'll ship ya a new one
>with the right code if you buy it now, otherwise, sorry we don't have
>an upgrade available for the one you already bought)

Except when they have some ROM based ones to move.... ;-(
