Re: Global Village modems

Jon Rust (
Thu, 14 Aug 97 12:13:11 -0700

On 8/14/97 11:52 AM proclaimed --

>At 11:16 AM -0700 8/14/97, Jon Rust wrote:
>>Of course you can get around all this crap by updating to a more current
>>version of the MacOS. Open Transport replaces MacTCP, and OT/PPP replaces
>>MacPPP (or FreePPP). OT/PPP auto-selects init-strings and port speeds for
>>you. No need to worry. Just select your modem from the list in the Modem
>>control panel. MacOS 7.6 shipped with OT/PPP, as does MacOS 8. For System
>>7.5.x and 7.1 owners, you can find it online at
>Too bad the list of Modems with OT/PPP is incomplete and often less than
>perfect. The "USR Universal" script with MacOS 8 in particular seems to be
>problematic, and OT/PPP doesn't seem to have a mechanism to auto-detect
>modems like FreePPP does.

More useful info. Thanks! Hadn't used USR with the new OS yet (trying to
steer all my customers away from them).

Forgot to mention FreePPP autodetect. Thanks. 2.5v3 seems to work pretty
well with most modems. Still makes you set the flow control and port
speed, but the defaults usaully work. Requires MacTCP 2.0.6 or
OpenTransport (NEVER use OT less than 1.1.1 -- updates at
