multitech 28.8 modem problems

Richard Morrell (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 18:10:52 +0100 (BST)

Hi all,

I have been fighting with this all day and I'm at the point of giving

One of my customers is having problems with his Multitech 28.8k internal
modem (MT2834ZXPI which was supplied with a Dell PC since you asked). It
connects fine at 28800, but when I start downloading large files it chokes
completely. By this I mean that it slows from 4KBps to about 0.6KBps and
sticks there. This happens for files that are on our *local* FTP server
and for files I use Zmodem to download (using a shell login on the

This does not happen when I tried transfering files from the Dell BBS. I
have also tried the same machine with an external USR sportster 33.6 and
it has no problems at all. So I'm thinking it is combination of the PM3
and the Multitech modem.

I'm running a PM3 with 3.5c6 (shortly to be upgrading to 3.7) and the old
33.8/28.8 modem cards as we don't get our 56K cards here until October :(

Does anyone know if there is an issue with Multitech 28.8 modems?

Richard Morrell

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