Re: ComOS 3.7 strangeness

Stephen Fisher (
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 11:01:54 -0600 (MDT)

On Fri, 15 Aug 1997, Stefan Hudson wrote:

> The release notes state that 3.7 does not support speeds above 28800 on
> "True Digital" modems. This is not correct. We've been seeing many
> connections at 31200 and 33600 on both units. On a related note, is

It isn't offically supported because it was never tweaked perfectly for
the old cards.

> there any way of seeing separate transmit and receive speeds? Or does
> the PM3 not support asymmetric speeds?

It does, do a show mX:>show m1
Active Port: S43
Transmit Rate: 28800
Receive Rate: 26400
Connection Type: LAPM/V42BIS

> WHY do K56flex connections appear as "42K" or "50K" in the "show modem"
> table? Doesn't ANYONE at Livingston care about consistency in displays?
> It doesn't show 24000bps connections as "24K". So what if it's a
> K56flex protocol connection... it STILL should show the speed the same
> way. This sort of thing makes it more difficult to write scripts that
> read those tables. (This one is part of a planned rant on general ComOS
> consistency issues, but I wanted to get it in here anyway.)

I don't have the new cards and haven't noticed but I agree, that's stupid
for the inconsistency.

> Is it just me, or should the "Disconnect" field in "show modems" be
> cleared on modems that currently have active connections? It looks
> strange to have modems with active connections show "LOST CARRIER" or
> "CIRCUIT DISCONNECT". Presumably, this is the disconnect reason for the
> PREVIOUS connection. Maybe they should say "ACTIVE" instead?

Even when someone is on it may be good to know what the last disconnect

> This one is more of a feature request, but how about making it so that
> the "set modem off" command will not take a modem out of service until
> the current connection is dropped? Our Multitech analog rack modems
> have busy-out switches that do this, and it is VERY convenient for
> taking lines out of service without affecting connected users; when they
> disconnect, the line will go busy automatically. This way, users don't
> get dropped unnecessarily. If you DO want to drop users, you can always
> do "set m3 off", followed by "reset m3".


- Steve
- Systems Manager
- Community Internet Access, Inc.
- Gallup and Grants, New Mexico