Re: ComOS 3.7 strangeness

Stefan Hudson (
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 17:19:34 -0700 (PDT)

> The new Connect-Info attribute doesn't get sent in all accounting
> packets. It looks like only non-56K get Connect-Info set; K56flex
> connections don't get a Connect-Info attribute, although many times
> users with K56flex modems that only connect at v.34 speeds also
> do not get the attribute set.


I opened a ticket with livingston on this. According to them, it
is a known bug that will be fixed in the next release. I'm not sure
how many people it is affecting, but for us at least, it makes it
impossible to tell how many people are getting 56K connections.

     /// Stefan Hudson <>  
__  /// Senior Network Administrator - Monterey Bay Internet
\\\///  -  Email:
 \XX/ Voice: 408-642-6100  Fax: 408-642-6101  Modem: 408-642-6102