Re: Hayes 56K (Again)

Marty Likier (
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 09:33:01 -0700

At 11:31 AM 8/15/97 -0400, Jordan Mendelson wrote:
>Well, for the last 3 days, we've been in contact with Hayes. It seems that
>will not provide us with a new v1.0 modem and they will not even acknowledge
>that v1.0 code for the Hayes Accura is even shipping. They can't give me a
>which they will have it available.
>The Hayes modem we have (with ACF in the version), is not flash upgradable
>seems. Kind of interesting that on the box it came with it said there
would be
>a free flash upgrade to the ITU standard. They won't be able to flash
>these things to anything the way they made them :)
>So, just a word of caution, stay away from Hayes.
>Marty, if you have a contact in Hayes which can get me new modems, I'd
>appreciate it.

I just contacted Hayes and hope to have something soon. I'll keep you posted.

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.