Hayes 56K (Again)

Jordan Mendelson (jordy@wserv.com)
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 11:31:10 -0400

Well, for the last 3 days, we've been in contact with Hayes. It seems that they
will not provide us with a new v1.0 modem and they will not even acknowledge
that v1.0 code for the Hayes Accura is even shipping. They can't give me a date
which they will have it available.

The Hayes modem we have (with ACF in the version), is not flash upgradable it
seems. Kind of interesting that on the box it came with it said there would be
a free flash upgrade to the ITU standard. They won't be able to flash upgrade
these things to anything the way they made them :)

So, just a word of caution, stay away from Hayes.

Marty, if you have a contact in Hayes which can get me new modems, I'd
appreciate it.


Jordan Mendelson     : www.wserv.com/~jordy/
Web Services, Inc.   : www.wserv.com