Re: ComOS 3.7 strangeness

Tom Samplonius (
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 09:12:05 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 15 Aug 1997, Stefan Hudson wrote:

> The release notes state that 3.7 does not support speeds above 28800
> on "True Digital" modems. This is not correct. We've been seeing
> many connections at 31200 and 33600 on both units. On a related

Those rates are "unsupported". See the archives.

> note, is there any way of seeing separate transmit and receive speeds?
> Or does the PM3 not support asymmetric speeds?

Do a "show mX" to see modem details. This is in the manual...

> Is it just me, or should the "Disconnect" field in "show modems" be
> cleared on modems that currently have active connections? It looks
> strange to have modems with active connections show "LOST CARRIER"
> or "CIRCUIT DISCONNECT". Presumably, this is the disconnect reason
> for the PREVIOUS connection. Maybe they should say "ACTIVE" instead?

It is just you. That information would be useless if it cleared upon
connect. It designed to hold the reason for the last connect.

> This one is more of a feature request, but how about making it so that
> the "set modem off" command will not take a modem out of service until
> the current connection is dropped? Our Multitech analog rack modems
> have busy-out switches that do this, and it is VERY convenient for
> taking lines out of service without affecting connected users; when they
> disconnect, the line will go busy automatically. This way, users
> don't get dropped unnecessarily. If you DO want to drop users, you can
> always do "set m3 off", followed by "reset m3".

This is an old feature request. This capability WAS supposed to be in

> --
> /// Stefan Hudson <>
> __ /// Senior Network Administrator - Monterey Bay Internet
> \\\/// - Email:
> \XX/ Voice: 408-642-6100 Fax: 408-642-6101 Modem: 408-642-6102
