Re: V.32/V.34 compatability problems with K56flex cards?

Marty Likier (
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 07:38:40 -0700

At 11:09 PM 8/14/97 -0700, Stefan Hudson wrote:
>The K56flex modems seem to generate a 400ms 2KHz tone followed by a
>100ms 400Hz tone immediately when they pick up; I assume this is part
>of the K56flex training sequence. It's then silent for 1 second
>second, and then the traditional v.34 carrier comes on. Could this
>initial tone be screwing up some types of older modems?

This new answering tone is called V.8bis. All K56flex central site modems
use it to quickly recognize attributes of the client side modem. If the
answering modem doesn't detect V.8bis coming back from the remote client,
it then trains V.34. So what you are hearing is normal.

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.