V.32/V.34 compatability problems with K56flex cards?

Stefan Hudson (hudson@mbay.net)
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 23:09:21 -0700 (PDT)

Our K56flex modems came in yesterday (we were #27, for those who
care), and they installed in a upgraded portmaster with no trouble.
We tested it with a "Harmony" K56flex modem, and got a 52K connection
on the first try. Most of our users with 56K modems are running
older firmware, so they haven't been able to connect using K56, as

However, has anyone noticed problems with "normal" V.32 or V.34 modems
connecting to the K56flex modems? Unfortunately, I don't have very
much information about it, but we had a user today with a Global Village
modem (insisted it was a Platinum, but said it was plugged into the
hard drive? *sigh*) that wouldn't train with the K56flex modems. It
would make all the appropriate noises, but the last phase of negotiation
(the "hissing" noise) kept going until it timed out; it never turned
off the speaker and established carrier. It had no problems connecting
to analog modems or non-K56flex Livingston digital modems.

The K56flex modems seem to generate a 400ms 2KHz tone followed by a
100ms 400Hz tone immediately when they pick up; I assume this is part
of the K56flex training sequence. It's then silent for 1 second
second, and then the traditional v.34 carrier comes on. Could this
initial tone be screwing up some types of older modems?

Again, this is all based on very limited information, but I'd like
to know if anyone else is seeing it. It may just be one luser with a
screwy modem. If there is a problem, it's going to be a real pain,
because we just opened a POP with all-56K modems.

     /// Stefan Hudson <hudson@mbay.net>  
__  /// Senior Network Administrator - Monterey Bay Internet
\\\/// http://www.mbay.net/  -  Email: info@mbay.net
 \XX/ Voice: 408-642-6100  Fax: 408-642-6101  Modem: 408-642-6102