Re: V.32/V.34 compatability problems with K56flex cards?

Tim Hodges, Triangle Telephone Cooperative Assoc. (
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 08:16:41 -0600

We upgraded to the new cards and S/W yesterday. I am disappointed to be
getting calls today from folks who were able to connect yesterday
and now are no longer able to get on.

I am going to be working with a customer later today who is in this boat.
She doesn't know what kind of modem she has, but has a Gateway 2000
so I assume some sort of USR.

I also have a Diamond Supra customer also who was working and now is not.

I really hoped that the new stuff would solve problems instead of
creating them. I may pull out the new cards.

Tim Hodges

At 11:09 PM 8/14/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Our K56flex modems came in yesterday (we were #27, for those who
>care), and they installed in a upgraded portmaster with no trouble.
>We tested it with a "Harmony" K56flex modem, and got a 52K connection
>on the first try. Most of our users with 56K modems are running
>older firmware, so they haven't been able to connect using K56, as
>However, has anyone noticed problems with "normal" V.32 or V.34 modems
>connecting to the K56flex modems? Unfortunately, I don't have very
>much information about it, but we had a user today with a Global Village
>modem (insisted it was a Platinum, but said it was plugged into the
>hard drive? *sigh*) that wouldn't train with the K56flex modems. It
>would make all the appropriate noises, but the last phase of negotiation
>(the "hissing" noise) kept going until it timed out; it never turned
>off the speaker and established carrier. It had no problems connecting
>to analog modems or non-K56flex Livingston digital modems.
>The K56flex modems seem to generate a 400ms 2KHz tone followed by a
>100ms 400Hz tone immediately when they pick up; I assume this is part
>of the K56flex training sequence. It's then silent for 1 second
>second, and then the traditional v.34 carrier comes on. Could this
>initial tone be screwing up some types of older modems?
>Again, this is all based on very limited information, but I'd like
>to know if anyone else is seeing it. It may just be one luser with a
>screwy modem. If there is a problem, it's going to be a real pain,
>because we just opened a POP with all-56K modems.
> /// Stefan Hudson <>
>__ /// Senior Network Administrator - Monterey Bay Internet
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